
CSP 2013 Results Out

Hello there,

So, finally UPSC released the prelims result. And Yes, I have cleared this first stage. Now, preparation for Mains in December. But first let me tell you that I was very tensed these last 2 months. After the results are out, I checked the key for the first time. I am getting around 244 marks, 86 in GS I and 158 in CSAT. Most institutions tell that the cut off may have been around 220. Any way I am very very happy clearing this first hurdle. It is some thing like an upper. I was very down these last two months, not knowing what to do, tensely waiting for results and most importantly not preparing much. So, this is kind of a relief and a morale booster and now I am full of energy and enthu to continue my preparation.

"At Bernabeu, against Real Madrid, you can never say it's over, until the final whistle". These are the words of Pep Guardiola, the famous manager of FC Barcelona under whom the club won 14 titles in 4yrs. What he was trying to tell is that at their home ground, Real can turn the tables even with just 1 minute left. Same goes for me :) Just like my favourite team, I will fight (read prepare) till the end. Even though I've wasted 2 precious months, I've got 4 more months. I am not giving up yet, and with this boost from the prelims result, I will give my best effort for Mains.

The 4 questions, I had mentioned in my earlier posts, I got all of them right. Pretty Good, isn't it? Actually, the last three days of the prelims exam I wasn't really sure I would clear the prelims and sort of gave up preparing. But then, I recalled to myself that we shouldn't give up till the final whistle and decided to prepare. Because, I felt bored of studying anything new, I thought I'll revise my notes. So, these 4 questions are from some of the stuff I happened to read those last 3 days and I am really sure that I wouldn't have gotten all of them right, had I not revised them in the last minute. So, it's proved, not that last minute preparation matters, but don't give up till the final whistle. It's all about character.

Anyway, I've to tell you that I stopped reading Argumentative Indian some days back. I wanted to have some break from this prelims tension and this book with it's discursive nature is certainly not helping. That's when I started reading 'Yes, Minister'. Oh my God, I can't tell you how good this book is. I am not that good at English, but even I find it funny. I meant to say that I understand the sarcasm, humour, witty remarks everything. Anyway, the book is about a minister and his secretary, a civil servant and how they cope with govt administration. I have downloaded the sitcom also, but I am just reading the novel from this ebook thing. I prefer to read this book than to watch the serial. All civil service aspirants out there, must surely read this book. Its funny and informative.

I know I've said, I would write some sort of suggestions list and all, but I feel like it's already out there. Many institutes, experts, seniors have said it all. I feel like I don't have anything new to say. May be, if I find something important, I'll mention. But one thing that I already know, and personally experienced is 'It's not over until the final whistle'. Really, I believe those 4 questions I've revised at the last minute helped me. Later...

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