
IPL not untenable

Now, lets talk about IPL. So, news of the week is 3 RR players including Sreesanth were involved in spot fixing. Straight away we heard many comments, reactions, suggestions from ex-players, players, media, police, public. Few even argued that entire IPL is fixed, or IPL is bad for cricket. I know in democracy everybody can express how they feel, but seriously, it sounds silly to me. Let us take the issue of corruption in cricket, be it illegal betting or match fixing or spot fixing by cricketers or bookies. Those who say, since IPL involves huge sum of money and hence players are tempted for such activities must know that it isn't only in IPL where cricketers are guilty of corruption. There are many cricketers from different countries involved in corruption with few of them even banned for life. Our attention must be how to tackle the issue but not blame the whole IPL itself.

Is only IPL corrupt
Recently, in the wake of this spot fixing scandal, there were comments in youtube regarding IPL and comparing it with EPL. It was said, this imitated IPL is a corrupt farcical stupid circus that can never reach the heights of EPL. First, let me concede myself, IPL is no where as transparent or as well organised as EPL. Having said that, I must also say, it is not wise to compare these both leagues, as one of them is nearly 125 yrs old, while IPL started in 2008. Yes, the football league was introduced in England in 1888. It was developed, refurbished, modernised and now we have the current marketable EPL. But can they say, that EPL was untainted since the time it was introduced. NO.

  • 1915 british scandal
  • 1964 british scandal
  • UEFA to investigate 380 suspicious matches in europe and another 300 outside the continet.
  • Even Alex Ferguson, the Man U legendary coach who retired recently, acknowledged that he did pressure officials into giving their club 'fergie time'. Every one in England, knows the close nexus between Man U and Referees. Even the club I support RM is no exception. It was said Franco helped Real a lot during his reign in 1950s & 1960s. 
  • Many many more small incidents and other issues like racism, hooliganism. 

I am not pointing fingers at EPL. I am not singling out Man U or any other club. Most of the clubs in most of the leagues were accused of wrong doing at one time or another. Also, I am not saying IPL is the best.

Why this happens
Just understand how system works. We got independence in 1947, while US, UK and many other western countries have been enjoying 'self-rule' long time immemorial. Most Western countries were industrialised way back in 18th, 19th centuries, while we were still under colonial rule. So, building a country doesn't happen in one day. There are politico administrative structures, judiciary, law and order, foreign affairs, economy and many other things. It certainly takes longer time to uplift our country, with huge percent of our population poor, illiterate, and the state in which British left us didn't help either. Also, I am not blaming British rule for every ill in our society. We were superstitious, divided, backward minded then. Slowly we are growing, but surely we will reach there one day.

Now back to the problem of corruption in IPL. How many of you have thought why this corruption happens here in IPL, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of 'blame IPL for every ill'. Think of our poor judicial and investigation infrastructure. Many cases are pending in the courts and perpetrators don't get punished promptly. Our investigation agencies weren't yet ready to catch up with our fast growing economy. This is true not just for sports, but for different sectors of society too. In the case of other countries, you can find proper institutional mechanisms at all levels in place to address such issues. Each player coming through academies or such training schools is properly mentored and he knows he can't get away with any wrong doing. But such checks and balances haven't yet been ready in our country, and that helps players to involve in corruption. Had the players known that they would be caught most probably if they were involved, I guess, they wouldn't risk involving in corruption. Plus, such things do happen. You never know what some people do for money, you just can't ban everything that isn't perfect.

So, when things don't work in India, do comment, do criticise but constructively, involve in the development process (or) suggest how to make them better if you can't. But don't ever say 'इस देश का कुछ नहीं होगा'.

Is IPL spoiling cricket
Now, IPL spoiling cricket. See, I accept the premise, because of 20-20, quality of cricket got reduced. And you can argue that IPL encourages young players to play in 20-20 style rather than develop good batting technique. True. But I don't accept that IPL should be banned. It is unavoidable. Times have changed and no one has time and energy to watch 5 day test match. Yes, test match is pure cricket but we don't have time to see the match whole 5 days. No, I am not saying that I don't enjoy watching test matches. I enjoy watching Ashes and sometimes, I watch test matches rather than watching 20-20. But only when I am free. Rest of the times, I just watch the test match highlights in half an hour. It is just a matter of adapting the cricket game to changing times. Making the game reach global audience. You must know how difficult it is for International Cricket Council to introduce the game (test cricket) in other countries. 20-20 is much more marketable than test cricket. You should understand that. Just as the way you can't stop people doing what they like, you can't impose on people what to like/watch and what not. If BCCI didn't start IPL, players would be playing in Big Bash League or Bangla Premier League. It is either this country or that country for players. Players play in the league where they are paid good. It is common sense. Because we have huge market and lot of revenue is guaranteed, it is we who have IPL. If we don't have, it is just a matter of time how long Indian cricketers will stay idle here and not get tempted playing in other countries' leagues. I will again say, yes IPL ruins test cricket, but it had to be done and BCCI did a good thing.

Let me tell you one thing here....a small tit bit... Real Madrid CF was asked to remove the cross from the crown on its crest for all the promotional activities related to the upcoming artificial resort island. The island is off the coast of UAE, where the major religion is Islam, and to avoid any confusion or misrepresentation in the region, the club obliged the request. There were many critics who said that it was yet another instance where there was erosion of European culture and tradition in face of encroaching Islam. Real Madrid CF released a statement saying, the decision to remove the cross 'was a cost of doing business in a globalised world'. Source: Wikipedia.

The statement in the above paragraph I put in quotes, is excellently put. If you want to be a global power, then you have to let go of some things, be it cross on the crest or aesthetical aspects of the game, because you have to appeal people all over the world. Someone said and I quote: It's not the strongest, not the most intelligent species that survives, but the most adaptable. Hence cricket must adapt itself to changing times and 20-20 is inevitable, even though quality of cricket is compromised.
Very long article, but still.........

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