
What makes one happy

Hello all...

This is my second post in this year... last year 2016 I had just one entry... so I decided I will write at least one more post... hehehe... so, lets see, whats to talk about... you know, lately I've been thinking about something... What makes one happy.

a) Cristiano works so hard day in day out, he's achieved so much, but he is always booed at away stadiums; Messi too, genius footballer, arguably worlds greatest football player ever, but he is jeered by his own Argentine fans for not bringing international trophy... plus it kind of haunts Messi himself that his Argentine trophy cabinet is empty
b) Its not just footballers - filmstars, businessmen, politicians - every person in every other profession has some problem... well not exactly the same kind of problems that common people face like money needs, buying house, looking for job that pays well, daily commutaion to offices in buses, pollution... Many times we may not understand those problems, but believe me, even they face problems... All that glitter, fame, money will not give them happiness

I think the core of the problem is because we are doing stuff for others and not doing what we love... well, sometimes what we love doing may not pay us enough to lead a decent life, but you get what I am saying... Its always our desire, need, pressure to do well, perform better than others - that causes problems for us... we unknowingly fell into this rat race...

You see, every year around 2 lakh Indian students go to US for higher studies, majority of them find a job there in the US and eventually settle there... If your desire is good quality education, then I have no complaints... But if its for earning more money, then let me warn you its a rat race... today you earn more than your friends, colleagues and may feel sense of superiority, but tomorrow, you again will have to compete with your juniors-from-college or your new high-earning colleagues (because of your upward economic mobility) or some others and it goes on... eventually, you will be unhappy, because you are stressed at having to work all the time and compete with others...

And this works everywhere... realise your potential, do your duty diligently... never compare yourself with others; Improve on your previous achievements, performances and be content with it... there will be positive work life balance, you'll be de-stressed and happy

The other day my friend was telling that he doesnt want to get married, because its difficult to raise kids in this cut throat, competitive, snake pit kind of world that we currently live in... Anyway this topic is for another day...

However, this comparing with others, striving for excellence, being the best in whatever you do has some positive aspects to it... it progresses mankind; many scientific achievements were possible... Even the club I adore, look up to - Real Madrid - they have to be the best... and the players play each match under severe pressure... you've to win absolutely each and every match... not just winning somehow, but you have to win by playing spectacular football... And because of that drive the club was so successful... But the caveat here is - its not for everybody... very few people who have that desire to be the best, absolute commitment, 100% dedication towards that one single goal are suited to play for Real Madrid... And we all are common citizenry, obviously we shouldnt compare ourselves with others and bite more than what we can chew...

I believe that one must perform his duty true to his potential... only that makes him happy... it kind of aligns with karma philosophy of Bhagavadgita by Lord Krishna... Simple translation of the sloka is "Do your duty without expecting results";

karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana ma karma phala hetur bhur ma te sango stv akarmani

And one more issue I was thinking is this

Today there is lot of confusion, chaos and no peace of mind... Men are running behind money, facing severe stress, abandoning their values, trust system, human values are slowly eroding... everyone wants instant gratification... there is little empathy

You know, my friend says that there is empathy in this world and that we as a human civilisation arent losing our values - its just that media only focusses on bad things that happen like (or) simply present day media only highlights issues like

a) when bypassers dont help accident victim makes news (not when they help him and get him medical treatment)
b) similarly, when disgruntled psychotic lover throws acid on a girls face
c) when corruption, huge scams occur

So, when we keep reading such news, we perceive that there is no good left in the society... But simultaneously there is lot of good happening...
a) Literally, this is the safest period in mankind history (no wars were fought; that is to say, till now nations, kingdoms, empire states were always fighting with one another for multitude reasons - land, religion, water, women)
b) Death rate has significantly declined... Cures were found for many diseases (plague, smallpox, etc); Hunger rates, famines have lessened
c) Huge number of charity organisations working for betterment of poor (starting from Bill Melinda Gates foundation to many other humanitarian agencies)
d) and many other stuff... its just that we dont remember the good, but pay more attention to the bad that is happening around us...

May be my friend has a point - may be human civilisation isnt as degraded, immoral, corrupt as we think... I dont know, but lets come back to our original point - What makes one happy

You see, these days we compare ourselves with one another... this comparision starts from childhood - what is your rank in the school and how much did class topper score; how well your relatives' kids are studying; how much money, salary your colleagues make, who got hike, who got promotion... what car do they drive... where do their kids go to school... its always measuring our performance against others... I think this should change... We should try to improve on our previous achievements forgetting about what others did...

We must have a goal, then realise our potential and put in our 100% effort towards that and forget about results (this is not to say dont correct your mistakes and improve later, but I only say that dont lose sleep over the results); I've failed 4 times in Civils till now... My father says that forget about the result, the only thing you should do is give your 100%; like did you study 8hrs a day daily, did you cover the required topics in the syllabus, did you revise your notes one month before exams... If you do this and still you fail, no need to worry... its not everybody can succeed...

If you achieve your goal well and good, otherwise say better luck next time to yourself and move on... Do you what you love, keep improving upon your own achievements and never compare with others (well at least realise quality of life isnt based on material possessions... as I said earlier, every one has problems, even the rich person with so much money has kind of problem that you may not conceive now... so, stop chasing money)

Anyway concluding,

Its El Clasico today and hope we win today... we are already 11 points behind (albeit a match in hand); And I havent read any books lately... My preparation for civils is going on... I am waiting for civils results... God forbid if this 5th attempt tanks, then I'll have to give my 100%; You see I have to be honest here, I havent given my best till now, I was very casual, relaxed in my preparation... I mean at times, I seriously studied, but as we all know, civils requires regular, continous studying and not short bursts of preparation like in a crash course... Anyway, I believe that if I study regularly, give my best, I can easily clear the exam... so, not worried so much...

Note: Generally, I read the preview of the article, edit stuff and then finally post it in the blog... but now, I am in short of time, I am just posting whatever I wrote... So, the article may seem raw, my thoughts scattered and stuff... Anyway, the desire to post at least one more article this year trumped the need to publish a well thought-out, properly arranged, coherent article

Hala Madrid

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