
Monthly Update

I know I wrote a post this month, but it feels like long back. I don't know why. May be because a lot of things happened so fast this month. So, lets see what's interested me this month.

First, I am  very sad that Real didn't play well against Villarreal. It was promoted to top division this season and played very well, but I expected Real to win this match. Now, we are 2 points behind Barcelona and Athletico, although I am sure that we would overtake Athletico at some point, no matter how well they have been playing. Second, the moment of the UCL match day 1 is Ronaldo's third goal, a spectacular one. To be honest, I never thought Ronaldo could dance past three defenders all alone and put one in the goal post, but I was proved wrong and I am happy to be. Third, I am really glad to see Ozil shine at Arsenal. Whether they can win the league or not, is too early to tell, but I hope they win at least one silverware this year, be it Capital Cup or FA Cup.

Then, I am not at all preparing at the pace required. I think Mains 2013 is lost cause only. I am still preparing my basics with respect to most topics which I should have done a long time ago. I am giving GS test series now and by the end of it, I plan to be strong in basics of every GS topic. Next year, I can go on revising them and build & improve on my basic knowledge, so I can answer UPSC's complex questions.

Recently, I've read a book by Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray. I was so frustrated and couldn't read any subject topics, hence I decided to read this novel. I will be honest, I didn't like it at all. But most book reviews I've read about this book, called it a classic. Guess, I am not 'good' enough to understand such philosophic fictions. Hence, I decided to be more careful in choosing my next book and here I found it. PG Wodehouse's Jeeves. This is a compilation of short stories and I decided to read them because they are humorous, witty and written in simple plain English. We can easily relate the events happening in the book with us. But that Dorian Gray isn't like that. At one point, the protagonist in that novel keeps thinking to himself for about 9 pages. He talks about jewellery, cloth, architecture, dance forms, music and stuff like that. Anyway the novel is about Dorian Gray and his portrait. He remains young and retains his youthful charm, while his portrait ages. His true nature and his ugly traits are all revealed in this portrait which deteriorates as he keeps living that degenerate behaviour. But he looks charming, young, pleasant and is liked by everyone. As I understand it, this book is whether we should follow our senses without any restrictions what so ever, what path does hedonistic lifestyle take you to and stuff like that. It is very very descriptive, but it is written in such a way because, the author wants the readers to get close to the characters as much as possible. It is only when they learn so much about the characters of novel, they get really involved in it and could appreciate it forever. It is the same with all Classic novels. Anyway, I am not ready for such novels yet, because I am just looking for a break from this boring preparation. I don't want any such classic novels as of now and hence PG Wodehouse's Jeeves.

That's it for now. I hope to write my next post very soon...

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