
Ozil to Arsenal, Kaka To Milan

Hello there...

Kaka left for Milan. I feel sad, even though I have never seen him play. When he was playing at his peaks, I didn't even start watching football. But, it feels sad, that a Ballon d'Or player is humbled because of injuries and loss of form. To be match fit and be in form for next year FIFA WC at home, he needs to play regularly and hence he moved to Milan. It's understandable and I wish him all the best.

So, the sensational news is Mesut Ozil moving to Arsenal. I am very disappointed at this unfortunate turn of events. Because after CR7, it is Ozil, whom I like most. It is surprising because, just weeks before he said, he was happy at Madrid and would like to stay at Madrid for a long time to come. Many fans are disappointed at Ozil leaving the club. Lets see why he had to leave...

The reason for Ozil leaving the club is not Bale, but Isco. Apparently Isco can play in a lot of positions, he can press opposition and can contribute defensively. Ozil, on the other hand plays to his best only in Number 10 position and doesn't track back except in big matches. So, with Bale arrival, it is lot of reduced playing time for both Ozil & Di Maria. And according to Ancelotti's plans, the one who works hard, gets lot of playing time. So, Ozil feeling the need to play, regularly because of next year FIFA WC, did what he had to do. He talked to Wenger who made him understand his important role in Arsenal and within a day, the entire process was over. By the way, I feel, in no way Ozil is half the worth of Bale as the transfer amounts suggest. With the team already having Ronaldo, I would love to have Ozil, but I am sure the club knows what it's doing.

Emotionally, I still can't take his departure, but at tactical and financial point of view, it is the best for club. Anyway one interesting question popped into my mind. Let's see Barcelona. Why do fans like a particular club? I get that fans from Catalunya region like the club, because they share the same language, same culture, same identity. But for fans whose nationality isn't Spain, what makes them like Barcelona? Is it because of their recent success? Is it because of some particular playing style? Is is because of Ronaldinho or Messi? I think the most fitting answer is the last one. I don't know the answer, but I think it is the combination of all the three factors.

Anyway, my point being, I can not see myself ardently supporting Real Madrid if Ronaldo too leaves. I questioned myself why I support Madrid. Not because of their footballing style, not because of their glorious past, but it is because of Ronaldo. May be I am a Ronaldo fan boy, rather than Madrid fan boy. I hope he stays for many more seasons and may be retire at Madrid. May be by then, I can develop an attachment to the club myself.

For now ¡Hala Madrid!

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